Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome to Preschool!

Every good gift and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

Welcome to the start of our new school year! All of the teachers are so excited that you'll be joining us for this exciting preschool journey!

And welcome to our preschool blog, too! We're offering this blog to you as yet another way to help improve our communication. Although we only see your children 2 or 3 times a week, there is soooo much information to share with you (especially for those of you who are new to our preschool)! My hope is that these blog postings will help you to be more aware of what goes on at school after you give your child that good bye hug. We'll be posting our weekly newsletters here for you, as well as important bits of learning that will hopefully make your preschool experience more enjoyable!

The information posted here will be kept very general in order to maintain our privacy. You may not see any photos of the children's faces, but you will gain a better understanding of all that goes on "behind the scenes" at school.

First off, let me say thank you to everyone who joined us at Open House or for a Meet the Teacher morning. These opportunities definitely helped make your child's transition to preschool much smoother. We've already learned so much about each other!

Here are just a few reminders...

1. Please send your child to school in shoes that are appropriate for play. Closed toed gym shoes are best - not only for safety, but they also keep those playground wood chips from bothering little feet!

1. Please bring in a change of clothes for your child as soon as possible. It would be great if you could bring them in a Zip Loc bag marked with your child's first and last name (pants, socks, a shirt and undies). You never know when we'll need to make a quick change here! Sometimes preschool gets messy!

2. Also, please remember to bring a photo of your family for us to hang on the bulletin board. Many of the children (especially our new students) love to look at that family photo and it gives the teachers an opportunity to know your families better.

3. A word about hand washing...even though our logo has those paint covered handprints, we always start our day with clean hands :) If you arrive before 9:00, feel free to take your child to one of the bathrooms in the church hallway to help them wash their hands (there are bathrooms in both hallways). Or, when we open the classroom door at 9:00, we have hand sanitizer available. Either way, we want to make sure that we are doing everything possible at preschool to keep germs out!

4. Last but not least, if you would like to order preschool t-shirts for your child (or for you!), please return the order form to us by October 1st (let me know if you need one!).

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with your children! We are truly looking forward to getting to know each one of them. Feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail if you have any questions!

Peace & Blessings!
Miss Jean