Friday, September 10, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Week of Sept. 6

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

Dear MWF Families,

We have had a terrific start to our new school year!

This week at preschool we really focused on getting familiar with our preschool and learning each other's names.

These are a few of the things that we did in preschool this week. We learned our Good Morning song as we sat together on the rainbow rug, and our Grace Prayer before snack time.

This Is The Day

This is the day, this is the day
That the lord has made, that the lord has made
We will rejoice,We will rejoice
And be glad in it, glad in it

This is the day that the lord has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day, this is the day
That the lord has made

We also sang a song and used a bean bag to help us learn each other's names. The children enjoyed this so much that they requested it on the second day as well.

Learning our Names Song

Thank-you God for (name)
For (name), for (name)
Thank-you God for (name)
We're glad (s)he is here

This week we used crayons to color pictures, a scale to balance teddy bears, and we helped develop our pre-writing skills by using dry erase books to practice tracing. Together we read the story ABC I Like Me and discussed what we each liked about ourselves. We also had some fun outside on the playground and in the gym playing with some balls.

Looking forward to next week!
Miss Amy, Miss Michelle, Miss Pat & Miss Jean