Friday, September 17, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Week of Sept. 13

Thank you, God, for making me!

Hello Monday Wednesday Friday Families!

We have enjoyed another terrific week here at preschool. This week’s topic was “All About Me” and we learned that each and every one of us is special. Each child had an opportunity to share with the class positive qualities about themselves, and about what was special about them.

This week we also…
Painted an abstract picture using red tempera paint.
Sang “Jesus Loves Me” and “I Am Special”
Learned the movements to a poem “Me”
Created self portraits of ourselves.
Worked out our wiggles by doing the “Silly Dance” (which was a huge hit!)
Used yellow and purple tempera paint to create “My Hands” picture

Listened to the stories Designed by GOD, So I Must Be Special by Bonnie Sosa, You Are Special, Little One by Nancy Tafuri, and From Head To Toe by Eric Carle.
Played Duck, Duck, Goose in the GYM.
Demonstrated our knowledge of numbers by playing the Number Game.
Practiced taking turns while playing “Follow The Leader”.
The weather was great this week so we all had the chance to play on the playground.

Looking forward to another great week!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat