Friday, April 29, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of April 25

Hello MWF Families!

We finally made it all the way through Letter Z week! This week we learned all about Zoo animals, Zebras, and a short man named Zacchaeus.

In art, we drew some stripes on zebras and then we painted them with watercolor paints. We also made some dragonflies or butterflies because we often see these insects in the spring. We played some math games using dice called “Crazy Eights” and “Reach for the Top” We also practiced writing the number 8 and the letter Z. We even tried to learn how to read a story about the Zoo!

On Wednesday, we read a story all about a man named Zacchaeus, who wasn’t a very nice person because he took money from people. We learned how he became a better person after meeting with Jesus, and how he gave back all the money that he had taken. We sang a song about him too!

This week we listened to several stories about zoo animals. We read the story There’s a Zoo in Room 22 and the story The Zoo I Drew by Todd Doodler. The weather was beautiful on Friday so we were able to play on the playground. We really enjoy being able to go outside.

We hope that everyone enjoys there weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again Monday!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, and Miss Pat

A Kindergarten FYI...Woodland School District is very excited to announce they are exploring the possibilities of a Dual Language program starting in the Fall of 2012. Everyone should have received a flyer with meeting information for families that reside in Woodland boundaries who have a student entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2012 or later. Please contact Miss Jean if you have any questions.

Monday, April 25, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of April 25

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families,

Is it possible to have too much fun at preschool? I don't think so!
Here's a peek into our week...
Miss Amy found some worms in the parking lot on our rainy Tuesday. We really enjoyed watching the children learn about them. It was especially funny when we tried to measure them! They keep changing their length!

We also had fun making giraffes to celebrate ZOO WEEK! At greeting time, we glued the pieces onto a long piece of paper. Then at our art center, we put spots on them with square shaped sponges. They will be hanging up on our bulletin board this week.

We had fun with our tiny zoo animal counters. Many of the boys and girls found out that we have more than 100 little animals!

But maybe the most fun we had this week was playing in our dancing socks! Only 5 of the children felt brave enough to try them out. We'll bring them out again and see if anyone else wants to try them next week. Even though we can't see who is inside the "sock" the person on the inside CAN see who is around them! So, we'll just have to take a guess who is inside this time!

Have a wonderful week! See you in May!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

TTh Preschool News - Week of April 18

You are the light of the world
Matthew 5:14

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Families,
We've had a wonderful week getting ready for Easter!

We had fun coloring some egg pictures. We read a silly story by Margaret Wise Brown called The Golden Egg Book, and we ready The Easter Story by Patricia Pingry. We used a foam craft kit to make a beautiful cross with flowers. The cross reminds us how much we are loved by Jesus!

We took the rice out of our exploration station on Tuesday, but it's back again by popular demand! We'll leave it in the classroom just a little bit longer. It really is one of our classroom favorites!

We also learned an Easter Bunny rhyme that we'll share with you...

I Had an Easter Bunny
One day she ran away
I looked for her by moonlight
I looked for her by day
I found her in the meadow
With her babies 1, 2, 3
So now I have FOUR bunnies
To run and jump with me!

We played a new game called Clockominoes. We had a bowl of dominoes and we had to find the matching place on an egg shaped game board. The boys and girls did so well, and they were so excited when they completed the entire picture. Many of them noticed that it looked a lot like a clock!

The highlight of the week was most definitely the Easter egg hunt on our playground. The eggs weren't really hidden, but there was a challenge to find 6 eggs that were each a different color! After we found all of the eggs, we sat down on the rainbow rug and opened them up one at a time. One of the eggs had a cross in it to remind us of God's love for us.

In addition to all of the Easter excitement, we also had a refresher course in kindness this week. We used the white board to write down some of the things that we should always do in preschool. Here was our very important list:

We share our toys
We use kind words
We play with everybody
(we don't tell someone they can't play with us)
We respect each other's space
(we keep our hands and feet to ourselves)

We also talked about what the word respect means. At school, it means treating each other with kindness, using kind words and following the rules. I think that sounds like a pretty good definition for home, too!

We hope that all of you have a wonderful Easter!
Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of April 18

MWF Preschool Families,

Is it really Spring? It’s hard to tell with the weather we have had this week. Even though we had snow on Monday we still learned about Spring and looked forward to the coming of Easter.

This week we made rainbow raindrops using Cray-pas to celebrate all the showers we get in April. Hopefully we will have lots of flowers in May from all the rain we have been getting. We also learned to read a story about Spring where we remembered all the fun things that happen in the spring time.

We are also excited the Easter will be this Sunday! To remember what Easter is really about, we read a story this week about how Jesus was our greatest gift. We learned that because of his death on the cross and his resurrection we will get to go to heaven someday. What terrific news!

To also help us celebrate Easter, we decorated some eggs with paint dotters and we learned a new Easter song called “Easter Time” (Sung to: Jingle Bells)

Easter time, Easter time,
We have much to do.
Time for bunnies, time for eggs,
But time for Jesus too.

Oh Easter time, Easter time,
Jesus showed his love,
He died for us and rose again.
He’s with the Lord above.

Some other things that we did this week was learn some new math games. We played a game called “Successful Sevens” using dice, and “Clockominoes” using dominoes. We also practiced tracing the number 7 and letter Y. And we even went on an Easter egg hunt in Fellowship Hall. Thank you to the generous family who supplied our preschool with Easter goodies! Everything was truly enjoyed by the children!

We hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, and Miss Pat

Friday, April 15, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of April 11

X is for...Exalt the name of the Lord!
Isaiah 24:15

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Families,

It's already letter X week, which explains why the week has been Xtra fun! We played with puzzles at greeting time. We brought out some Easter buckets and played an egg toss game. We even had the chance to look at the amazing X-rays that were hanging in the windows.

We had some visitors this week, too! Miss Darlene and Miss Cheryl visited the classroom and had a chance to get to know the children a little bit. Miss Darlene will be taking over as Preschool Director next school year, and Miss Cheryl will be the MWF assistant teacher. The children really enjoyed the extra teacher attention!

We also had a special visit from our friend Miss Mary this week. She is a Kindermusik instructor who is also a parent of two Tiny Treasures graduates. Miss Mary read us a spring story called Will You Be My Friend? by Nancy Tafuri. She taught us a song about a woodpecker, and we all got to use rhythm sticks while we sang along. She even taught us a fun bird rhyme. We hope that Miss Mary comes back to visit again!

For art this week, we added some raindrops and clouds to our rainy day picture and we added flowers to our sunny day picture. We hope that you enjoy the finished products that are hanging in the hallway!

We practiced our fine motor skills by tracing egg shapes using cardstock eggs as the templates. And we even painted on big egg shaped papers. We used paint dotters on some (like bingo markers) and we used cotton balls that were attached to clothespins on some of the others. The next time we come to preschool, we'll draw a picture of what we think could be inside that egg! Look on the wall near the entrance to see the results! This art project was inspired by our reading of Chickens Aren't the Only Ones by Ruth Heller. The book taught us about many different animals that lay eggs. We learned a new word: Oviparous - which means an animal that lays eggs! Ask your children if they can tell you some of the animals that we learned about.

We look forward to seeing all of you next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

MWF Preschool News - Week of April 11

Hello MWF Preschool Families!

This week we took time to appreciate some of God’s little creatures. We made a miniature book that showed us the life cycle of butterflies. We read the stories The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and The Butterfly Book by Anne Milbourne. Wednesday we made a springtime picture with flowers and bugs, and on Friday we painted some stunning butterflies in with beautiful pastel colored paints.

We sang and performed actions a new song this week called “Praise Ye The Lord”. Our song went like this…

Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord!
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord!

This week we also played some new games called Simple Sixes and Alphabet Bingo. We practiced tracing the number six and the letter X and we even practiced reading a story called Funny Cat. We played a new game in the gym called airplane. We would pretend to fly around the sky while some music played, but when the music stopped we had to fly into the airport. It was so much fun!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again next week!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean & Miss Pat

Monday, April 4, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of April 4

MWF Preschool Families,

We have had a wonderful week here at preschool! This week we learned all about the letter W. We painted watercolor whales, made a wormy painting using gummy worms, and read the story The Windy Day by Anna Milbourne.

We learned so many other things this week too! We discovered that if you mix the colors red and blue that it makes the color purple. We practiced writing the letter W, and some of us were even reading the story Go, Go, Go! We listened to the stories The Big Wide Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner and One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root. This week we also played the game Jenga. We had to be very careful to push a block out without knocking the tower over.

On Friday we went to chapel to listen to Pastor Greg tell us the story of Easter. We found out that the Easter Bunny isn’t the most important part about Easter…Jesus is! Pastor Greg even performed a magic trick for us! Afterwards we sang a song about a wise man who built his house upon a rock, and a foolish man who build his house on the sand. We even made up our own verses to include an orange and Jello!

We will have even more fun next week at preschool!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat

TTh Preschool News - Week of April 4

We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!
What a wonderful week it's been! We're getting closer to Easter, so we brought out our Easter and spring time cookie cutters this week. We had so much fun making Easter eggs out of playdough and talking about Easter.

We also learned a little bit about the weather this week. We talked about sunny days and rainy days, we talked about storms and we heard how April showers always bring May flowers!

We took a walk to the church Art Room, which is where we would go if there was ever a tornado warning (or a really, really, bad storm!). The children really enjoyed their visit because we had a chance to write letters on a big chalkboard, and we met Miss Crystal who works in that room during the week.

My favorite part of the week was making our sunny day and rainy day pictures! On Tuesday, we used brushes and foam rollers with yellow, orange, white and gold paint. Next week we'll be adding flowers to this picture.

On Thursday, we used blue, purple and white paint with brushes to make our rainy day picture. I think we'll be adding some raindrops to this picture!

We even used some paint scrapers to make cool lines in this painting!

Enjoy the beautiful warm weather we're expecting this weekend! We can't wait to see you back again on Tuesday!

Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

MWF Preschool News - Week of March 21

V is for Volcano! First we built up our volcano around a plaster mold with a plastic container on top. We had so much fun playing with the clay!

We took turns adding clay until we ran out of time (so we made a second one on Wednesday!)

We put vinegar, baking soda and food coloring and watched what happened!

In a couple of days, the volcano was all dried up and started to crack! Maybe we'll make another one some day!

See you all at conferences! Have a wonderful spring break!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean and Miss Pat

TTh Preschool News - Week of March 21

We are very ready for spring! To celebrate, we made some beautiful spring art work to hang in our hallway! Some of the hand prints may look familiar to you :)

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at parent teacher conferences. Thank you all for participating!

Have a wonderful spring vacation! We will see you in April!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat