Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of April 18

MWF Preschool Families,

Is it really Spring? It’s hard to tell with the weather we have had this week. Even though we had snow on Monday we still learned about Spring and looked forward to the coming of Easter.

This week we made rainbow raindrops using Cray-pas to celebrate all the showers we get in April. Hopefully we will have lots of flowers in May from all the rain we have been getting. We also learned to read a story about Spring where we remembered all the fun things that happen in the spring time.

We are also excited the Easter will be this Sunday! To remember what Easter is really about, we read a story this week about how Jesus was our greatest gift. We learned that because of his death on the cross and his resurrection we will get to go to heaven someday. What terrific news!

To also help us celebrate Easter, we decorated some eggs with paint dotters and we learned a new Easter song called “Easter Time” (Sung to: Jingle Bells)

Easter time, Easter time,
We have much to do.
Time for bunnies, time for eggs,
But time for Jesus too.

Oh Easter time, Easter time,
Jesus showed his love,
He died for us and rose again.
He’s with the Lord above.

Some other things that we did this week was learn some new math games. We played a game called “Successful Sevens” using dice, and “Clockominoes” using dominoes. We also practiced tracing the number 7 and letter Y. And we even went on an Easter egg hunt in Fellowship Hall. Thank you to the generous family who supplied our preschool with Easter goodies! Everything was truly enjoyed by the children!

We hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, and Miss Pat