Monday, April 4, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of April 4

We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!
What a wonderful week it's been! We're getting closer to Easter, so we brought out our Easter and spring time cookie cutters this week. We had so much fun making Easter eggs out of playdough and talking about Easter.

We also learned a little bit about the weather this week. We talked about sunny days and rainy days, we talked about storms and we heard how April showers always bring May flowers!

We took a walk to the church Art Room, which is where we would go if there was ever a tornado warning (or a really, really, bad storm!). The children really enjoyed their visit because we had a chance to write letters on a big chalkboard, and we met Miss Crystal who works in that room during the week.

My favorite part of the week was making our sunny day and rainy day pictures! On Tuesday, we used brushes and foam rollers with yellow, orange, white and gold paint. Next week we'll be adding flowers to this picture.

On Thursday, we used blue, purple and white paint with brushes to make our rainy day picture. I think we'll be adding some raindrops to this picture!

We even used some paint scrapers to make cool lines in this painting!

Enjoy the beautiful warm weather we're expecting this weekend! We can't wait to see you back again on Tuesday!

Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat