Tuesday, February 23, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of February 22

Hello Tuesday Thursday Families!

It's already March! Here are some of the other things we've been busy with this week...
At greeting time this week, we colored a picture of our Rainbow Rabbit and a rainbow picture
We learned that R and "Star" rhyme, so we glued a whole bunch of stars on to a big letter R
We watched how white paint gradually turn pink as we added red paint to it, drop by drop
(and of course, we then painted with it!)
We played with dry erase boards and dry erase markers. Some of us drew rainbows and some of us practiced writing our names (without even being asked to!!)
We brought our train set and played with it on our rainbow rug.
Miss Colleen came in to play with us and to read to us. Thank you for helping us with our sparkly art project!
At the exploration station, we played with sand and some texture tools.
To develop our math skills, we played with our Bug Matching Game. We had a couple of mirrors at the table that the children had fun with, too!

At story time, we decided to write our own story about Rosie the Rainbow Rabbit. When the story comes home with your child, you can ask him or her which part they added!
We brought out our Ribbon Dancers and danced to Dulcimer Lullaby music. After we all learned to keep a safe space around us, we decided to dance down the hallways of the church building! We even danced through the women's Bible study room and sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to them!
See you next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat

MWF Preschool News - Week of Feb 15

Dear MWF Families,

Here are some dates coming up for the MWF class:
Wednesday, February 24 - Scholastic Book Orders Due
Friday, February 26 - Chapel Time at 9:00 - We hope you join us!
Monday, March 1 - No School - Casmir Pulaski Day
Friday, March 12 - Butter Braid Orders Due

It's Already Letter Q Week!

We moved forward into our Transportation Theme this week! We are learning about all the various ways to travel. For Letter Q week one of our students brought in a Quarter. How clever. We talked about the different ways we could spend a quarter and that it is worth 25 pennies. Wednesday we had an opportunity to play “Red Light Green Light” in the gym. We used animal cards for the children to present their acting skills. They loved this game. It is a great game to practice for following directions. Fortunately Friday we had a lovely wintry sunny day, so we took the entire class outside for a group walk on our rope. It was great to get outdoors. We witnessed the snow and the icicles melting and sang one of our favorite songs, “This Old Man,” or as our children call it “Nick Nack Paddy Wack.” Next week we will continue our Transportation Theme, have a special guest from a local dental office on Wednesday, and Chapel on Friday!

Here are some other highlights!

We painted with black and white paint to make gray. We used matchbox vehicles to paint roads.


We created boats from paper plate semi-circles, straws, and triangle sails. They are hanging on our classroom windows for display.

We listened to the song and story “We All Go Traveling By" by Sheena Roberts and Siobhan Bell and the story "Little Quack’s Bedtime" by Derek Anderson, for Letter Q Week.
At our Exploration Station we played with sand and various vehicles in the sand. This exploration activity proved to be a great fun and calming sensory activity for many of our students!
We played with a new resource in our classroom. It is called Letter Builders, and the children assemble various pieces of wood to create individual letters of the alphabet. This is great practice for alphabetic awareness which is necessary for name writing and forming other words in the future.

The children displayed great imagination and creativity this week!

Moving forward again to next week! Beep! Beep!
Miss Lori, Miss Donna, Miss Pat and Miss Jean

T-Th Preschool News - Week of February 15

Hello Tuesday - Thursday Families!
We've had a fun and exciting week once again at preschool! The highlight of our week was probably a visit from a local dentist office. All of us listened so well while Miss Lisa taught us important things about our teeth, mouth and gums. Did you know that we should all brush our teeth TWO TIMES A DAY! Good thing we all had a chance to practice on Miss Lisa's bear!

Here are some of the other fun things we did this week...

We played with sand at our Exploration Station (aka the sensory table). The sand has been very popular here! The children are learning so well to wait for their turns - and they really enjoy watching the sand timer for the 3 minutes while they wait!

We wrote postcards for our friends and "delivered them" to the mail bags on our bulletin board. Our bulletin board mail bags have been a huge hit with the children. We'll probably keep it up for a few more weeks. Stop in to take a peek if you haven't seen it yet!
We played with a new preschool resource called Build A Letter. It's a great way for the children to learn their uppercase letters!

We brought out the hula hoops and the tunnel so we could have another obstacle course!

We used some fun painting tools to paint with red and white paint...

Another exciting week of fun and learning! See you all soon!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat

Friday, February 19, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Week of Feb 8

Dear MWF Families,

We had so much fun celebrating Valentines Week! Our focus was on Love, God’s Love, and Loving One Another. For Letter P week one of our students brought in a Pirate and a Police Car. Each of the children took turns passing the police car back and forth to each other. On Monday and Wednesday we played various games with a parachute, and practiced tossing beanbags off the parachute.

Friday was our Valentines Day Party for the children. It was a great success! Thank you to all the parent helpers who made it possible! This week we were especially blessed with a multitude of parent helpers! Another highlight of our week was the great fun and learning the children had with playing post office, by sending postcards, notes and valentines cards to their friends and loved ones. Next week we are moving forward with our transportation theme, as we explore the various modes of transportation. Beep! Beep! See you next week!

Here are some other highlights of our week…

A Parent Helper came in and led a craft activity, and assisted the children
in making Valentine Mice, using heart templates, glue, and markers.

The mice are hanging in the classroom above our bulletin board!
We read the book Valentine Mice by Bethany Roberts.
Made Valentines Card for our friends and loved ones, using paper,
heart shaped doilies, and markers.

Played with our Pegboard.
Sang the “Skinamarink” Song and practiced hand gestures with it!
Read If You’ll Be My Valentine by Cynthia Rylant and also read I Love You As Big As The World by David Van Buren.

Decorated Valentines Bags and Placemats with stickers and markers for our
Valentines Party Day which was a great success!

Moving forward to Next Week! Beep! Beep!
Miss Lori, Miss Donna, Miss Pat and Miss Jean

Monday, February 15, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of February 8

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!

Happy Valentine's Day! Remember that God is Love (John 4:8) and anywhere you see love in action, you are seeing God there as well!

We had a busy week at preschool celebrating God's love for us and our love for each other! We had tons of fun decorating our Valentine's bags this week (while we practiced our fine motor skills at the same time!). Hopefully all of you had a chance to look at our Shutterfly pictures from our party on Thursday. Thank you Miss Donna for taking pictures! And thank you to everyone who contributed something to our Valentine's Day celebration! You are very sweet!
We also had fun with our play dough this week when we learned what happens when we mix pink Kool Aid powder with our white playdough! We learned that after you mix it for a long, long, time the play dough will eventually turn pink...and it even turns our table pink :)

We were very busy this week making cards for friends. You may have even noticed some post cards coming home with your children. Postcards are a fun way to learn about our world, and practice our pre-writing skills. We still have quite a few blank postcards here at preschool, so I suspect you'll see some more coming home next week!

We really wanted to bring out our tunnel and hoops again this week...but we didn't seem to have enough time. Tell your children that WE WILL bring it out again this week!!

Here are some other things we did this week at preschool...
We went out to the cubby area 2 children at a time to distribute our Valentines cards
We painted with red and white paint on heart shaped papers using paint brushes and some fun texture tools!

We colored heart pictures that reminded us that "God is Love"
We played with some fun heart shaped "people" to practice our counting skills
We heard the stories What Do You Love? by Jonathan London and No Matter What by Debi Gliori
We played our favorite circle time song: Two Little Blackbirds
We learned two new songs:

The Heart Shape Song - sung to The Wheels on the Bus
From Cullens ABCs

The heart shape means that
I love you
I love you
I love you

The heart shape means that
I love you
Each and every day!


Three Valentines - sung to Mary Had a Little Lamb
Also from Cullen’s ABCs

Three valentines I have for you
Have for you
Have for you

Three valentines I have for you
Pink and red and blue

I’ll put them in the mail for you
Mail for you
Mail for you
Pink and red and blue

See you back at preschool next week for our unit on Dental Health (and a special visit from the dentist!!)

With God's Love,
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat

Monday, February 8, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Weeks of Jan 25 & Feb 1

Dear MWF Families,

Our last week of January we focused on Numbers and the Color White! For Letter N week one of our students brought in a Nitroade Car with a launch. Each of the children took turns to practice launching it on the Rainbow rug. On Friday that week, the class had a wonderful field trip to a Neighborhood Museum, while the teachers went to early childhood learning conferences. Thanks to our board members who assisted while the teachers were away! We learned lots of wonderful information and ideas to bring into the classroom!

The first week of February we had fun learning about Groundhog Day and other winter animals who hibernate. We ended the week focusing on Dental Health and Valentine’s Day, as it is quickly approaching. One of our teachers brought in an Orange for Letter O week. We used the gym to expend some of our winter energy during these cold and icy months. The children played with balls, our basketball hoop and hula hoops. We also played Simon Says in some of our small groups and Follow the Leader. Our February Christian character trait is Love. We will learn more about Love and God’s Love during next week for our Valentines Week!

Here are some other preschool highlights…

We had several favorite art projects:
We had fun working on a Noah’s Ark Mural for Letter N Week. The children colored and cut out a picture of Noah, his ark, and the animals. Look for the mural hanging up under our hallway bulletin board.
For White Day we made winter bird feeders with bagels, white Crisco and birdseed.
We made Orange and Letter O Prints using real oranges and orange paint.
We colored Groundhog pictures using our choice of crayons, markers or colored pencils and completed a picture of the “Adventures of a Groundhog.”
We painted hearts with toothbrushes at the easel

For fine motor and prewriting skills, we sorted dried noodles and practiced writing our names
For pre-math skills, we played with number dominoes and we practiced writing numbers

We read many wonderful books:
A Day With No Crayons by Elizabeth Rusch
Guess Whose Shadow and What’s Opposite? by Stephen Swinburne
and The Very Hungry Caterpillar - by Eric Carle (a class favorite!)

We played with flashlights and looked at shadows.
We used our Tunnel to play “What did the Groundhog See?”
And we sang “Oh How I Love Jesus” using sign language for the word Jesus
(Look at Cullen’s ABCs website to see how the signs are used!)

Looking forward to Hearts Week,
Miss Lori, Miss Donna, Miss Pat and Miss Jean

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Feb 1

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!
It's already Letter O week!

Sometimes, I can't believe how much we do in just two days at preschool! Here are just some of the things that we did this week.....

Made cards for our friend who recently moved to Michigan (we will mail them out next week)
Made bird feeders by putting cheerios on pipe cleaners
Used letter O rubber stamps and ink to decorate a big paper O
Listened to the story Click, Clack, Quackety Quack

Sang the song, Oh How I Love Jesus and Jesus Loves Me
(we didn't do ALL of the "signs" from the song Jesus Loves Me...but we did learn the signs for Jesus, "Loves Me" and Bible

We also talked about things that are round or that go "round and round." Here are some of the things the children mentioned:
A dolphin that jumps out of the water and back in
A wheel
A clock
Our heads
Polka dots
Our hands (when we "make" a circle in the air)
A "Spin It" (when we spin around with our arms out)
A track - like a roller coaster that goes in circles!

Learned a finger play about 5 little groundhogs
Played a game at the rainbow rug where we each took a turn finding a circle shape in the room
while we sang a song that went like this...

"An O is like a circle, a circle, a circle
An O is like a circle,
That goes round and round"

(it was sung to the tune, "The More We Get Together")

Painted with pink paint and orange paint
Pretended to be groundhogs by climbing through a tunnel and going through hula hoops! (Actually, it was an entire obstacle course! Oh! What fun!!!)

Till next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Donna