Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Feb 1

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!
It's already Letter O week!

Sometimes, I can't believe how much we do in just two days at preschool! Here are just some of the things that we did this week.....

Made cards for our friend who recently moved to Michigan (we will mail them out next week)
Made bird feeders by putting cheerios on pipe cleaners
Used letter O rubber stamps and ink to decorate a big paper O
Listened to the story Click, Clack, Quackety Quack

Sang the song, Oh How I Love Jesus and Jesus Loves Me
(we didn't do ALL of the "signs" from the song Jesus Loves Me...but we did learn the signs for Jesus, "Loves Me" and Bible

We also talked about things that are round or that go "round and round." Here are some of the things the children mentioned:
A dolphin that jumps out of the water and back in
A wheel
A clock
Our heads
Polka dots
Our hands (when we "make" a circle in the air)
A "Spin It" (when we spin around with our arms out)
A track - like a roller coaster that goes in circles!

Learned a finger play about 5 little groundhogs
Played a game at the rainbow rug where we each took a turn finding a circle shape in the room
while we sang a song that went like this...

"An O is like a circle, a circle, a circle
An O is like a circle,
That goes round and round"

(it was sung to the tune, "The More We Get Together")

Painted with pink paint and orange paint
Pretended to be groundhogs by climbing through a tunnel and going through hula hoops! (Actually, it was an entire obstacle course! Oh! What fun!!!)

Till next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Donna