Friday, January 21, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of Jan 17

Mighty is the Lord. Psalm 24:8

Dear MWF Families,

This week at preschool we learned all about the Letter M. For Show and Share we had two students bring in items to show the class. One student brought in a monkey to show, and another student brought in Minnie Mouse to share with the class. We also had many activities to observe the letter of the week. We colored a picture of Martin Luther King, and also completed several amazing mazes.

For art on Wednesday, we created a mural that only included items beginning with the letter M. Some of the things that were seen on this mural were moms, mice, maps, mops, and one beautiful mermaid. On Friday the students created a collage with items that they had cut out of magazines.

This week we played the game Mini Motors Math. We rolled a die to determine how many spaces we would move. The children would then move each of their cars, boats, and airplanes to the finish line. Many of the children really enjoyed this game.

We also learned some other fun activities this week. We learned a wonderful new song called “Mango Treats.” For this song each child had the chance to dance like a monkey in the middle of a circle created by their singing classmates. We were amazed to see how many different ways monkeys like to dance! The children also learned played the game “Who Took The Cookie”. The children had fun trying to guess which one of their classmates had taken the cookie from the cookie jar.

During story time we listened to the stories Elusive Moose by Joan Gannij, and the story On the Moon by Anne Milbourne. The children asked many different questions about the moon and space. We also learned that many of the children are hoping that one day they can go to the moon like astronauts.

We are looking forward to more fun and learning next week!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, and Miss Pat

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of Jan 17

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"
Psalm 100:1

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families

We've had another wonderful week of learning fun here at preschool! We started a fun science experiment this week using some fingerling potatoes. It was easy to guess why they are called "fingerlings!" We all took guesses on how many days it will take for the potatoes to grow roots. You can see our guesses below the potato picture!

We had fun painting on Tuesday using our multicultural "people paints." On Thursday, we brought out markers and crayons to add the facial features. We put all of the faces on our classroom bulletin board and added the fabric people that were made by the MWF class.

And for some additional fun for Letter M week, we played our Mini Motors Math Game!

But quite possibly the MOST fun we had this week was playing the "Mango Treats" movement game. The song is available at and the words are...
"In the jungle, there's a monkey, dancing to this groovy beat
All he eats is ripe bananas,all he eats is mango treats
So jump out (one child), and jump in (another child)."
We went around in a circle several times, and had so much fun dancing like monkeys! If you ever volunteer in the classroom, make sure to request this song!!

Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

Saturday, January 15, 2011

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Jan 10

"Let your light shine before men." Matthew 5:16

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families,

It was a snowy week for us at preschool! We had so much fun singing a song about making a snowman, and hearing a "paper story" about The Disappearing Snowman. We sent a copy of the story home with each child, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

At story time, we read one of our Usborne books called "The Snowy Day." The story talks about all of the fun things that we can do in the snow. Then we each made snow globe pictures and wrote down what our favorite snow activity was!

Since it was Letter L week, we made Lemon and Lime prints for art...

and we played with Lacing Cards that were shaped like animals (and one card that was shaped like an ark). The lacing cards are excellent fine motor practice (and might even lead some of the children to a love for sewing!).

We had some music and motion fun this week by playing with Lummi sticks. If you haven't heard of them, they are wooden sticks that can tap along with the beat of a song. The children followed the directions very well when we asked them to hold them safely and keep them a safe distance away from each other. We will definitely bring them out again some day!

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

Friday, January 14, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of Jan 10

Let your gentleness be evident to all. Phil 4:5

Dear MWF Families,

Snow! Snow! Snow! This was our weekly preschool theme, and how fitting of a theme it was after all the snow that fell this week. This week was also letter L week. Students brought in a lion and lollipops to share with the class.

Here are some of the things that we did this week…

For art, we used cotton balls to create little fluffy lambs...

We also made snowmen complete with buttons, scarves, and top hats! Each snowman was beautifully unique. Many of the children also demonstrated their creative side by creating a little person. The children were given the outlines of a person and then they could create clothes for their little person. They were given materials such as, ribbon, buttons, and for hair to decorate their little person.

For math, we brought out games to play. We played Hi Ho Cherrio which allowed us to practice our counting skills as we took turns putting apples on the trees. We also played Candy Land which helps us with color recognition and our matching skills.

For phonic and writing we used literacy mittens to practice putting words in alphabetical order. Each mitten has a picture and a word for a letter of the alphabet. The students worked in groups and individually to put the mittens in order based on the first letter of each word.

We also practiced tracing our names. The children are doing so well with their first names that we now are practicing writing our last names.

We also practiced our fine motor skills and learned about nature by making cheerio bird feeders. After we shaped them into circles, we hung them on one of the trees on our playground.

This week we also listened to the stories A Snowy Day by Anna Milbourne and Elena Temporin and Swim Polar Bear, Swim by Joam Stimson. We also went on a “real” bear hunt around the building. All the children enjoyed looking for the bear.

Our day on Friday began with chapel, and the children were particularly excited by the message that they heard. Pastor Greg told us how Jesus is the light of the world, and how we all reflect off him. He told us that we are also lights because we have Jesus in our hearts. After the message all the children sang the song “This Little Light of Mine.”

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again next week!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, and Miss Pat

Friday, January 7, 2011

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Jan 2

"Be KIND to one another" Ephesians 4:32

Happy New Year Everyone!

We're so happy to be back at preschool again! All of the boys and girls had so much fun seeing their friends again, and were ready to get back to their preschool routines. For the month of January we are focusing on the color white and on cooperation. And we are already on Letter K this week! Can you believe that we are almost half way through the alphabet?

Here are some of the things we did this week at preschool...

For art, we used small paint brushes and white paint. We found out that most of the children prefer the larger paint brushes! We also made a WHITE collage this week. You will see it hanging over our welcome table when you come to school next week!

For math, we brought out some bowls of keys, and practiced counting them with our new counting chart table cloth. This fun "game" helps us learn how to put the numbers 1 through 10 in the right order!

For fine motor and literacy, we practice writing our first names on Tuesday. On Thursday, we practiced kindness by making cards for our friends!

Some of us enjoyed a new deck of Truck Cards that we earned from our Usborne Book Fundrasier. By the way, thank you to everyone who helped with our fund raisers! We are already enjoying many of our new Usborne resources in the classroom!!

For story time this week, we used a story apron and velcro animals to hear the story "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" The children had so much fun putting the animals on the apron and making animal sounds. The story is one of our favorites, so we listened to it in the MWF class this week, too!

For large motor activities this week, we had so much fun! We played Duck Duck Goose in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday. On Thursday, we stayed in the classroom and had fun moving and dancing to a few songs from Greg and Steve's Kids in Motion CD. Two of our favorites were "Can't Sit Still" and "Can You Leap Like a Frog." Check your local library for this CD and other fantastic music from Greg and Steve!

The children also decided on their own to play Ring Around the Rosie and to become a train in class this week. They are all playing together so well, and the teachers really enjoy our time with the children!

Looking forward to seeing you back at preschool next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

MWF Preschool News - Week of Jan 2

Keep God's commandments Exodus 20:6

Dear MWF Families,

We had a wonderful week back at preschool! Everyone was so glad to see each other again.

January is a cold and often snowy month of winter, so many things that we did this week involved winter and winter animals. Wednesday we drew a winter picture on dark blue paper with white paint. We also had to bundle up in our coats to go visit the book mobile to pick out new books for our classroom. On Friday Miss Jean read us a story Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear? by Bill Martin Jr/Eric Carle using something called a story apron. We all had so much fun as we each took turns placing an animal on the apron and making animal noises.

This week we also learned about the letter K. To celebrate letter K week all of us had the chance to look through a kaleidoscope and see the wonderful designs it made. Some of us even decided to make a picture of what we had seen while looking through the kaleidoscope. We also listened to the story Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? By Eric Carle, and learned that all animals have mothers.

Some of the other things that we did this week were practicing writing our names as well as tracing with markers in our dry-erase books. We also had so much fun when we went on a “Bear Hunt.” We sang many other fun songs too! These songs allowed us to move our bodies and develop our fine motor skills.

We are all looking forward to next week for more fun and learning!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat