Friday, January 21, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of Jan 17

Mighty is the Lord. Psalm 24:8

Dear MWF Families,

This week at preschool we learned all about the Letter M. For Show and Share we had two students bring in items to show the class. One student brought in a monkey to show, and another student brought in Minnie Mouse to share with the class. We also had many activities to observe the letter of the week. We colored a picture of Martin Luther King, and also completed several amazing mazes.

For art on Wednesday, we created a mural that only included items beginning with the letter M. Some of the things that were seen on this mural were moms, mice, maps, mops, and one beautiful mermaid. On Friday the students created a collage with items that they had cut out of magazines.

This week we played the game Mini Motors Math. We rolled a die to determine how many spaces we would move. The children would then move each of their cars, boats, and airplanes to the finish line. Many of the children really enjoyed this game.

We also learned some other fun activities this week. We learned a wonderful new song called “Mango Treats.” For this song each child had the chance to dance like a monkey in the middle of a circle created by their singing classmates. We were amazed to see how many different ways monkeys like to dance! The children also learned played the game “Who Took The Cookie”. The children had fun trying to guess which one of their classmates had taken the cookie from the cookie jar.

During story time we listened to the stories Elusive Moose by Joan Gannij, and the story On the Moon by Anne Milbourne. The children asked many different questions about the moon and space. We also learned that many of the children are hoping that one day they can go to the moon like astronauts.

We are looking forward to more fun and learning next week!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, and Miss Pat