Friday, January 7, 2011

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Jan 2

"Be KIND to one another" Ephesians 4:32

Happy New Year Everyone!

We're so happy to be back at preschool again! All of the boys and girls had so much fun seeing their friends again, and were ready to get back to their preschool routines. For the month of January we are focusing on the color white and on cooperation. And we are already on Letter K this week! Can you believe that we are almost half way through the alphabet?

Here are some of the things we did this week at preschool...

For art, we used small paint brushes and white paint. We found out that most of the children prefer the larger paint brushes! We also made a WHITE collage this week. You will see it hanging over our welcome table when you come to school next week!

For math, we brought out some bowls of keys, and practiced counting them with our new counting chart table cloth. This fun "game" helps us learn how to put the numbers 1 through 10 in the right order!

For fine motor and literacy, we practice writing our first names on Tuesday. On Thursday, we practiced kindness by making cards for our friends!

Some of us enjoyed a new deck of Truck Cards that we earned from our Usborne Book Fundrasier. By the way, thank you to everyone who helped with our fund raisers! We are already enjoying many of our new Usborne resources in the classroom!!

For story time this week, we used a story apron and velcro animals to hear the story "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" The children had so much fun putting the animals on the apron and making animal sounds. The story is one of our favorites, so we listened to it in the MWF class this week, too!

For large motor activities this week, we had so much fun! We played Duck Duck Goose in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday. On Thursday, we stayed in the classroom and had fun moving and dancing to a few songs from Greg and Steve's Kids in Motion CD. Two of our favorites were "Can't Sit Still" and "Can You Leap Like a Frog." Check your local library for this CD and other fantastic music from Greg and Steve!

The children also decided on their own to play Ring Around the Rosie and to become a train in class this week. They are all playing together so well, and the teachers really enjoy our time with the children!

Looking forward to seeing you back at preschool next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat