Friday, January 7, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of Jan 2

Keep God's commandments Exodus 20:6

Dear MWF Families,

We had a wonderful week back at preschool! Everyone was so glad to see each other again.

January is a cold and often snowy month of winter, so many things that we did this week involved winter and winter animals. Wednesday we drew a winter picture on dark blue paper with white paint. We also had to bundle up in our coats to go visit the book mobile to pick out new books for our classroom. On Friday Miss Jean read us a story Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear? by Bill Martin Jr/Eric Carle using something called a story apron. We all had so much fun as we each took turns placing an animal on the apron and making animal noises.

This week we also learned about the letter K. To celebrate letter K week all of us had the chance to look through a kaleidoscope and see the wonderful designs it made. Some of us even decided to make a picture of what we had seen while looking through the kaleidoscope. We also listened to the story Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? By Eric Carle, and learned that all animals have mothers.

Some of the other things that we did this week were practicing writing our names as well as tracing with markers in our dry-erase books. We also had so much fun when we went on a “Bear Hunt.” We sang many other fun songs too! These songs allowed us to move our bodies and develop our fine motor skills.

We are all looking forward to next week for more fun and learning!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat