Tuesday, February 23, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of February 22

Hello Tuesday Thursday Families!

It's already March! Here are some of the other things we've been busy with this week...
At greeting time this week, we colored a picture of our Rainbow Rabbit and a rainbow picture
We learned that R and "Star" rhyme, so we glued a whole bunch of stars on to a big letter R
We watched how white paint gradually turn pink as we added red paint to it, drop by drop
(and of course, we then painted with it!)
We played with dry erase boards and dry erase markers. Some of us drew rainbows and some of us practiced writing our names (without even being asked to!!)
We brought our train set and played with it on our rainbow rug.
Miss Colleen came in to play with us and to read to us. Thank you for helping us with our sparkly art project!
At the exploration station, we played with sand and some texture tools.
To develop our math skills, we played with our Bug Matching Game. We had a couple of mirrors at the table that the children had fun with, too!

At story time, we decided to write our own story about Rosie the Rainbow Rabbit. When the story comes home with your child, you can ask him or her which part they added!
We brought out our Ribbon Dancers and danced to Dulcimer Lullaby music. After we all learned to keep a safe space around us, we decided to dance down the hallways of the church building! We even danced through the women's Bible study room and sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to them!
See you next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat