Sunday, September 26, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Sept 27

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families,

This week we learned about friendship at preschool Of course, one of the most important things that we wanted the children to know is that Jesus is their friend! I found this song on the You Tube site Cullen's ABCs and thought it would be perfect to teach the children...

I Have a Friend

I have a friend who loves me so
And Jesus is his name-o
And Jesus is his name-0

Here are some of the other things we did this week...

We had our pictures taken by Miss Leslie (the proofs should be in next week!)
We played with puzzles at greeting time this week.
We made cards for our friends (the stickers were a big hit!)
We practiced counting and sorting skills by playing with peg boards. They were a favorite with all of the children!
We celebrated the last day of September by wearing red and by painting the letters R E D to hang up in our hallway.

We read the stories "All Things Bright and Beautiful" by Ashley Bryan and "Forever Friends" by Carin Berger. Both books had beautiful collage illustrations that the chidren really enjoyed.
We took a walk on our church sidewalk to look for signs of fall. The boys and girls are doing so well on our walks. It's hard to believe that it's only September!

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat