Friday, October 1, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Week of Sept 27

Dear MWF Preschool Families,

We have been having so much fun this week learning about the Signs of Fall. Our leaves are just starting to turn colors. It would be a great time to take a nature walk with your family at one of our nearby forest preserves!

Here are some of the things we've been doing this week...
We had our pictures taken by Miss Leslie (proofs should be in next week!)
Each child was assigned their own letter at the rainbow rug. They will keep these letters for a few weeks.
For art, we painted with yellow, red and orange paints. We also made beautiful fall tree pictures using torn pieces of fall colored paper.

We practiced our fine motor skills this week by playing with our Bug Lacing toys.
We brought out our notebooks and colored pencils to have fun with our pre-writing skills. The children each have their own spiral notebook, and they can "write" or draw anything they want in it!
We played a game of "Hot Tomato" to encourage the children to share and wait their turn for something.
At the playground this week, we brought out our parachute! We had so much fun learning how to lift the parachute high in the air. Once we learned how to do that, we were able to take turns "trading places" with each other while the parachute stayed up! We also took a "nature walk" and looked for signs of fall (we also saw the moon during daylight hours!).
At story time this week, we heard "Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf" by Lois Ehlert, and "I Am a Leaf" by Jean Marzolla.

We also learned a new finger play this week, called "Five Leaves"

Five little leaves so bright and gay
Were dancing about on a tree one day
The wind came blowing through the town,
And one little leaf came tumbling down.

(Continue with 4 leaves, then 3,2, 1 and 0)

Enjoy the weekend! See you next Monday!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat