Thursday, October 14, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of October 4

All things were made by Him. John 1:3

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!

This is the first week for our "Letter of the Week" theme! For the next 26 weeks, each week we focus on a letter of the alphabet. We also began a new month, and with the new month, we have new colors that we are focusing on (orange and black) and a new Christian character trait (self control).

The scripture verse on our bulletin board this week says, "For the grace of God teaches us to live self controlled, upright and godly lives." (Titus 2:11-12)
We explained to the children that they are showing self control when they are able to sit quietly at the rainbow rug and listen during story time, and when they are keeping their hands and bodies to themselves.

Here are some of the other things we've been doing during Letter A week...
We brought out orange crayons at greeting time on Tuesday to color some "orange" coloring sheets and on Thursday we colored in a Bible "book" about Noah's Ark (we hope the children been having fun finishing that book at home!)

For art, we used foam ABC stamps and orange paint on Tuesday and on Thursday, we made beautiful fall tree collages with torn paper.

For pre-writing and literacy, we brought out some fun alphabet puzzles. We also practice making circles by tracing around plastic circle shapes. We also played an alphabet game where we matched capital letters.

For stories this week, we read "ABC I Like Me" by Nancy Carlson and "On Market Street" by Arnold and Anita Lobel.

See you all on Letter B week!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat