Saturday, October 30, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of October 25

Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!

What an exciting week we've had at preschool. The highlight of the week was probably our Halloween celebration, but we did so many other fun things as well! And before I forget, let me say thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the parents who have been volunteering their time in the classroom! I can't remember the last time we had so many parents come to play with us at preschool. We hope you enjoy your time in the classroom as much as we enjoy having you!

At our art table this week, we had so much fun making masks! The teachers cut out a variety of shapes ahead of time, and the children were allowed to create ANY kind of mask they wanted to. The results are hanging above the cubbies!

We practiced our number recognition by playing with play dough and fun acorn counting cards.

For letter D week, we brought out our dinosaur toys (always a BIG hit with the children!)

We also played with some magnetic letter blocks to help us learn our letters A through D and to help us practice our fine motor skills and pencil grip.

On Thursday morning, we colored our trick or treat bags. On the bag was a pumpkin and the words, "Shine with the light of Jesus!" A wonderful Halloween message for all of us!

And of course...there were the costumes on Thursday! The classroom was full of princesses, but we also had a bunny rabbit, a Mario, a bumblebee (that didnt' sting!) and a butterfly. The children had so much fun when we lined up to trick or treat in some of the rooms of the church! The women's Bible study especially enjoyed our visit to them!

After trick or treating, we said our grace prayer on the steps and went back into the classroom for a wonderful Halloween snack (or should I say feast? I suspect that many of us didn't have room for lunch when we got home!). Thank you parents for supplying our trick or treat goodies and our yummy snacks for the morning!

We will look forward to seeing you next Tuesday for a shortened week of school. Remember there is no school on Thursday, due to parent teacher conferences. Enjoy those October Shutterfly photos that will be coming your way soon!

Fall blessings to you and your families!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat