Thursday, October 14, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of October 11

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!

It's letter B week! We had another wonderful week learning and playing at preschool! I hope all of you enjoyed seeing the photos that were left in your cubbies, too. All of the children look wonderful!! Please return the photo orders to me by next Friday, October 22. That way we can be sure to have the photos back before Thanksgiving break.

Here are some of the things we've been doing this week...
We played with play dough and plastic letter stamps at greeting time.
We had so much fun singing along with the song "Going on a Bear Hunt"
We heard the story "Fall Leaves Fall" by Zoe Hall.
We practiced our scissor skills and our number recogntion skills by cutting out some numbered pumpkin shapes.

We had fun painting this week with orange paint and some rubber texture brushes.

On Tuesday, we made drawings of what we thought was inside a pumpkin. Then on Thursday, we brought a pumpkin into class, and got to find out what was really inside! Here's what the children thought might be inside a pumpkin...

A monster
A monster and a seed
Lots of stuff
A lot of orange things
A pumpkin

Have fun carving your own pumpkins at home this month! Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat