Friday, September 24, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Sept 20

Let the little children come to me... Matthew 19:14

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Preschool Families!

First of all, let me say thank you to everyone for joining us this week at our Curriculum Night. Being involved with your child’s school life is a very important part of parenting!

We’ve had another wonderful week at preschool! Our theme this week was family! We talked about our family members at home, our extended family who may live far away from us, and our preschool family. Our art project on Tuesday was drawing our family members on house shaped paper. The teachers had so much fun hearing all about the people who live in your houses! On Thursday, we took a long sheet of paper and drew ourselves on it, so we now have a portrait of our Preschool Family to hang up in the hallway (look for it next week when you’re here!).

We read two stories about family members this week. What Mommies Do Best by Laura Numeroff and The Daddy Book by Todd Park. Numeroff and Park and two wonderful children’s authors, so if you have a chance to visit your local library, be sure to look at some of their other books!

For science this week, we talked about the change of seasons and brought out some related activities. Can you believe that fall is already here? In our exploration station, we brought out a leaf matching game where the children would be able to find two leaves that are the same color and the same shape. We also added some laminated paper leaves that had capital letters written on them, so the children could pick a leaf and tell us what letter they found.

We also played a seasons game that had four seasons and we had to match the correctly clothed people pieces to the season where it belonged. Many of the children enjoyed it so much, that I’m sure we’ll be bringing it out again soon!

For large motor, we enjoyed the beautiful weather once again as we played on the playground. We also took our first walk on the church sidewalk using our “Rainbow Rope.” The rope has colored rings on it that we can hold on to. It makes going on walks so much fun!

We are looking forward to next week when we have picture day on Tuesday, September 28. Bring those smiles to school!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat