Monday, May 17, 2010

TTh Preschool News - Weeks of May 3 & May 10

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families,

We've been busy the last couple of weeks celebrating Moms and Dads! Our May character trait of "Wisdom" is intentionally planned for this time of year, because you parents really do have so much wisdom to share with your children. This would be a good time to talk with your children about the importance of "Honoring your Mother and Father" (Exodus 20:12). Let's also remember to honor all of the elders in our lives! (it might also be a good time to think about what the word "Honor" means. The Greek word for honor means “to revere, prize, and value.” What does it mean in your family?)

We had so much fun recently making special gifts for our Moms and Dads (we didn't want Dad to feel left out after Mom got her awesome flower pot gifts from us last week!) The Dad "creations" will be sent home with your child this week. We just wanted to enjoy them on our preschool wall for a little while :)

We also had fun learning about color mixing when we mixed shaving cream with red and yellow paint. Each child had their own ziploc baggie so they could see what happened from start to finish.

For large motor fun, we've been playing outside on the playground when possible. Inside, we've been having just as much fun playing Musical Chairs or Duck, Duck, Goose. (I know many of you parents had a chance to peek in our window to watch Musical Chairs in action - pictures on Shutterfly will be coming soon, too!) We play a special preschool version of Duck, Duck, Goose where we have the same number or chairs and children. We did explain to them that at parties, it may be done a little bit differently, but here at preschool, we want everyone to feel included in our fun games!

Speaking of Duck, Duck, your step when you come in through the preschool entrance. I've had some friends visiting lately in the afternoon, and sometimes they for me! :) So watch your step!!

We are looking forward to these final two weeks of preschool with your children! It has been such a wonderful school year, and we are so excited that ALL of the Tuesday Thursday class will be returning in the fall for another year of learning and fun!

Blessings to all of you,
Miss Jean, Miss Pat and Miss Lacy