Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of March 14

...the Universe was formed at God's command. Hebrews 11:3

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!

It feels like spring is finally here (and on Sunday, it will be official)! We are soooo glad! We've already begun to feel some of those warmer temperatures, and today we even had a chance to play outside on our playground! We brought quite a few things outside with us. We saw how the wind made our parachute fly out of our hands. We brought out balls and practiced throwing UNDER HAND to each other, we took turns sliding down the slide, and we had fun chasing the bubbles that Miss Jean made!

This week our focus was on the letter U and the color blue. There were so many things we did...

For art on Tuesday, we made Under the Sea pictures. On Thursday, we painted on canvas with blue and yellow paints. It made green for St. Patrick's Day!
For music and movement, we listened to "Going on a Bear Hunt." We also practiced walking on our rainbow rope inside the church building. We want to make sure that everyone follows our safety rules inside before we start taking walks outside!
We practiced our fine motor skills by playing with modeling clay. It looks like play dough, but it's a lot harder to work with! We really strengthened our hand muscles while we played! Some of us learned how to make hearts out of clay!
We used tweezers this week to pick up different shaped pastas and sorted them using muffin tins.

We had so much fun exercising our larger muscles by throwing crumpled paper into our small classroom size basketball hoop! I think we'll be doing this activity a lot more around here! Don't be surprised if your children start asking for your scrap paper at home!!
We had even more fun playing with soapy water in the Exploration Station! Some of us had so much fun that we needed to change our shirts (thank you for keeping those extra clothes here!).

We read a wonderful book called "The Colors of Us" by Karen Katz about a little girl named Lena who takes a neighborhood walk with her mother. She sees friends with skin of all different shades of brown...skin that looks like honey, peanut butter, pizza crust, peaches, chocolate, and more. The boys and girls ALL listened so well to the story, which tells us that they must have really enjoyed it.
Another story they enjoyed this week was "In the Tall, Tall, Grass" by Denise Fleming. The children learned about all kinds of animals that they might be hiding in the grass: Beetles, snakes, birds, and fireflies were just a few!

And if your child brought a "ticket" home from school this week, it may have been from their "train trip to the mountains!" If your child didn't go on the imaginary train trip this week, they will have a chance again on Tuesday!

Remember that next week will be a short week for the children. No school on Thursday due to conferences. And yes, child care will be provided!

Happy Spring!
We can't wait to see you next Tuesday,
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat