Tuesday, March 15, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of March 14

Under His wings you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4

MWF Preschool Families,

Spring is almost here! We had some warmer weather this week which was really exciting, because it allowed us to finally go out to our playground again. We have really missed being able to go out in the fresh air and play.

For art this week we made some blue pictures using paint droppers. We dropped paint onto one side of the paper and the folded it in half to make a mirror image on the other side of the paper. We had fun looking at our picture to see what we had created. We also used scissors and glue sticks to make an umbrella picture. It is amazing to see how well we can use our scissors.

This week we played Barnyard Bingo, Missing Letter Game, and UNO. Playing these games helped us practice taking turns. We worked on our letters while playing the Missing Letter Game, and also practiced matching colors and numbers while playing the game UNO.

One new and exciting thing that week did this week was foam writing. We put shaving cream on the table and spread it out with our hands. We then used our fingers to practice writing letters, numbers, and our names. Some of us even practiced writing words! It was very fun to be able to get our hands dirty and learn at the same time.

This week we listened to the stories Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud by Lynn Plourde and Fiddle-I-Fee by Melissa Sweet. We also listened to a story out of our Children’s Bible that Jesus told about a lost sheep. A shepherd who knew all of his sheep was counting them one night and realized that he was missing one. He went out to find his lost sheep and was overjoyed when he found it. We learned that God is like our shepherd because he takes care of us and knows each one of us. He will know when we stray (or do something we shouldn’t do) and he will be overjoyed we do the right thing.

In the Gym we learned a new game using bean bags. We practiced throwing the bean bag underhanded to our partner who would catch it. If we caught the bean bag we would take a step backwards making the distance between us further apart. Then we would try it again. If we missed than we would take a step closer together making the distance shorter, and try again. We really enjoyed playing this game and were excited to see how far we could toss the bean bag.

We had so much fun at our exploration station this week. At the beginning of the week we used sponges in soapy water to make bubbles. On Friday, the exploration station was full of rice! We could use measuring cups, scoops, and funnels to measure and move the rice.

We experienced many new and exciting things this week, and have even more planned for next week. We can’t wait to see everyone!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, and Miss Pat