Sunday, November 15, 2009

T-Th Preschool News - Week of Nov 8

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families,

We had a fantastic and fun-filled Letter F week! And along with all the fun, we've had some excellent opportunities to learn about our November theme of gratitude.

On Tuesday, Miss Lacy took the children to our church office in small groups, where Miss Nancy showed them our church food pantry. We use the visit to explain to the children that the food donated to the food pantry is shared with families who may not have any food in their homes. It's typical for the children to see one of their favorite foods there and want to take it home! It's a great time to talk to your children about how we are all part of God's family, and we are here to help each other!

On Thursday, we learned a little bit about the First Americans who lived in the United States. Miss Jean brought in an authentic deer skin dress that is similar to what may have been worn by a woman many many years ago, long before you could buy your clothes at the mall! The children were already in a giggly mood for the day (they must be anticipating Letter G week!) and they really laughed when they saw that dress on their teacher! When I asked them what was funny, one very insightful young man said, "Because it's different!" Of course, we used that as a quick opportunity to tell the children that just because someone may look different from them, it doesn't necessarily mean it's funny. (don't worry though, we will still be sure to give the children plenty of encouragement to laugh!!)

Here are some of the other things we played with this week...
For art, we started a super secret Thanksgiving project using our fingers and we used colorful paper scraps to decorate fish.
At our exploration station, we had fun stacking and smooshing green foam circles (they were originally swim noodles!)
To help us learn about numbers, we played with a foam number puzzle and we learned the song Five Green and Speckled Frogs using our flannel board.
In small groups, we played a very silly game called Leaping Frogs that helped us develop our large motor skills. We also worked on large motor skills when we kicked a foam ball to each other out on our playground!
We heard the story In the Pond by Milbourne and Waters and the story Giving Thanks - A Native American Good Morning Message by Chief Jake Swamp.

Looking forward to seeing you next week for more fun and learning!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat