Sunday, November 15, 2009

MWF Preschool News - Week of Nov 8

Dear MWF Families,

This week our themes were Thankfulness, Thanksgiving and Letter F Week. For Show and Share one of our students brought in a Flag, which fit in so well with our themes and the fact that Wednesday was Veteran's Day. Beautiful weather graced our week once again and we spent some time playing on the playground. Several highlights of our week were the Chapel, the Rainbow Fish Art, and the dramatic play of the grocery store.

At the Chapel Pastor Greg and Miss Jean acted out a skit/parable which related to giving to others. (I must say we have some fine talent at this preschool!) The children recited a finger play to Pastor Greg entitled “Thank You God.”

The Rainbow Fish Art Project was quite fun and it was exciting to see the children create their very own version of a colorful fish. The children loved playing grocery store with our many pretend food items, play money and cash register. We also explained how very different it was to live during the times of our ancestors. They had to plant, grow, harvest, and hunt their food.

On Wednesday, November 18th we will be visiting our food pantry. Please have your child bring in a canned good item by Wednesday! We look forward to next week as our theme of Thanksgiving continues with our Thanksgiving Celebration on November 20th @ 10:30. We hope you join us! (Please RSVP for our Thanksgiving gathering by Tuesday morning!)

Here are some other highlights of our week…Drew with Farm Animal Stencils
Practiced counting and sorting with pasta, beans, dice, and muffin tins.
Explored Indian Corn - the students loved picking off the kernels, and Miss Jean even ground up some kernels to show us cornmeal.
Listened to Native American Music, “Kid’s Pow-Wow Songs” by Black Lodge.
Played a “Colorful Feathers” Circle Game, a great recognition color game.
Heard the story This First Thanksgiving Day by Laura Krauss Melmed
Enjoyed the story The Great Fuzz Frenzy by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel. (This is a great fun story which addresses themes of friendship, forgiveness, and cooperation.)

With Gratitude and Thanksgiving,
Miss Lori, Miss Donna, Miss Pat and Miss Jean