Friday, October 2, 2009

Preschool News - Week of September 27

Hello Preschool Families!

Time again for another weekly update! We wish that we could include EVERYTHING that goes on in our classroom, but the teachers would have to hire some reporters for that to happen! At least we can give you some insight with our weekly news.

Don't forget to consider our fall fundraiser from Mixed Bag Designs. Everyone should have received an order form, but we have additional ones at the sign in table if you need one. Last date to order will be October 16.

Be sure to check your e-mail this week, too! I sent some September preschool photos to each of you through Shutterfly. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoy seeing your children in our classroom!

Miss Jean

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Families,

I can't believe we've already finished the month of September! The children are becoming very comfortable with their preschool routines, and we're all learning more and more about each other. The weather is getting colder these days, so be sure to send your child with warm clothing for our outside play time!

Here are some of the activities we've been busy with in our class:
At greeting time, we've been playing with puzzles
For art, we made a red circle collage and we made drawings for our friends
For science, we went outside in pairs and gathered leaves that have fallen from the nearby trees. When we came back inside, we had magnifying glasses to see them even better.
For dramatic play, we brought out our doctor kits (this was a special request from several of the children in our class).
We also had a lot of fun playing with our farm animals and the barn!
For our social learning, we've been playing a game like "Hot Potato." We call it the sharing game. We pass around a squishy red apple while we listen to "The Sharing Song" by Jack Johnson.
For fine motor practice, we brought out some dry erase books that have different types of lines that we can trace. The children are also learning to erase each page before we go on to a new one.

We're looking forward to lots more fun in October! Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat

Dear MWF Families,

This week we learned about the changing of the seasons, and the signs of fall. We brought in a variety of leaves for the children to explore. We were very excited to accept a new student into our classroom on Monday. She is a delight! We took advantage of the brisk refreshing fall weather to play outside on our playground and to take a walk on our chilly Friday morning. We also celebrated a birthday this week and began having our daily classroom helper! Next week we are beginning with our Show and Share Bag. Watch for the schedule to go home with your children next week. As the cooler weather is approaching, encourage your children to share with you what they are learning and experiencing in their world about autumn on God’s beautiful earth.

Here are some of the other things we’ve done this week at school…

We used real leaves and created our own Leaf Rubbings with crayons
With their favorite puppet stage the students created their own imaginary Ice Cream Shop in Dramatic Play
We used scissors to cut out orange circles, as we are learning about shapes
and practicing our fine motor skills
We painted Leaf Cut-Outs with red and yellow paint
Enjoyed creating with Builders and Builders
We practiced our counting and sorting skills with our set of toy farm animals
Worked on Alphabet recognition with ABC Cards
Heard the stories I Am A Leaf by Jean Marzolla
Listened to “Five Little Leaves Storyboard which is a counting story rhyme
Played “Scarecrow Scarecrow Turn Around” which is a large motor activity
Drew Cray-pas Drawings

Looking forward to the season,
Miss Lori, Miss Donna & Miss Pat