Thursday, October 15, 2009

Preschool News - Week of October 11

It's letter B Week! A perfect time for us to introduce a very familiar song about a very important book. And now, you even have the words to it so you can sing it with your children!

Thank you to our snack helpers last week, our shopping volunteers who brought back kleenex, cardstock and drinking cups, and to the moms who took home our towels and dollhouse toys to be cleaned!! We appreciate all of you so much!

Reminders for next week.....

MWF class will meet AT THE FIRE STATION on Monday at 9:30 for our field trip! The field trip should end around 11:00, when we will be dismissed for the day.
Mixed Bag orders due in Monday at noon
Picture orders are due in on Wednesday, October 21
And now for our weekly news....

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Families...

We had so much fun this week learning about what was inside a pumpkin. Before we cut open the pumpkin, the children all had a chance to say what they thought was inside. Here are some of their ideas...juice, goodie bags, a pumpkin, goodies, and chocolate! After we cut the top off, we explored the insides and found lots of seeds and lots of gooey orange stuff (one of the children thought it looked like a spider web!). We learned that we can make pumpkin pie from the inside walls of a pumpkin, and we found out that many of us have eaten pumpkin seeds before! Here are some of the other things we did for letter B week...

At greeting time, we colored a B is for Bible coloring sheet and drew pictures on orange construction paper.
For story time, we read a big Weekly Reader poster about Baby Animals and heard the story Birds by Kevin Henkes.
For art, we made prints using bubble wrap print blocks on pumpkin shape paper. We also colored with some orange crayons that were shaped like circles.
For fine motor and hand strength, we played with orange play dough and fall shaped cookie cutters.
For math, we counted and sorted different colored bears. It was one of the favorite activities of the week.
For our small group time by the steps, we played with the train set and we got to walk across a balance beam.
We also played bean bag catch and bean bag basketball in the gym this week. It was so much fun, that I'm pretty sure we'll repeat it again for next week if we can't go out to the playground!

See you all next week when we learn about fire fighters and fire safety!!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy & Miss Pat

Dear MWF Families...

This week our harvest theme was Pumpkins and it was also Letter “B” week. For our Show and Share Miss Lori brought in a silly looking “Bee Bug.” We sent our Show and Share Bag home with one of our students who will bring in a letter C item next week. At our exploration station we had a real pumpkin with the lid cut off to explore its inside. Most of the children used spoons, but there were a few brave ones who felt the pumpkin with their fingers.

We played Duck Duck Goose in the gym on Wednesday due to a light drizzle that day. On Friday we went to the gym and tossed beanbags into a basketball hoop and also into buckets. We also listened and acted out the motions to a Beanbag Song in the classroom. We were very thankful to have a parent helper with us on Friday! Thank you so much! Our theme for next week will be Firefighters and Fire Safety. We will see you at the Fire Station on Monday for our field trip!

Here are some of the other things we’ve done this week at school…
At Greeting Time we played with play dough and rolling pins, and colored and drew on a pumpkin sheet.
At Circle Time we listened to the Five Little Pumpkins Fingerplay and played a sharing game of passing the pumpkin.
At Art we created little pumpkins by tearing orange construction paper and gluing the pieces on to mini paper plates. Also for Art we painted little wooden bugs and butterflies, which we will turn in to magnets. And on Friday, some of us colored some BIG pictures of Bugs!
For Science and Sensory we explored a real pumpkin.
For Language, Literacy and Math we used stencils to write the numbers from zero to nine.
For Dramatic Play we played with the Barn and animals. We also played with pretend medical kits.
For Construction we played with Builders and Benders, Cardboard Bricks and Blocks.
During Small Group time we looked at a variety of books on Pumpkins.
For Faith Based Ideas we sang the song “He’s Got the Whole World in His
hands,” and talked about God’s great protection. He gives us Courage.
We also sang the B-IB-L-E Song.

Looking forward to the season,
Miss Lori, Miss Donna & Miss Pat