Saturday, September 12, 2009

Preschool News - The Week of September 6

Hello Preschool Parents!

We're happy to present you with our first on-line version of the Weekly Preschool News! One way that we're trying to be "green" is to watch how much paper we send home with you (and also, this is a great way for you to share our preschool happenings with your extended family if you want to share this link with them!). I'll start with the Tuesday-Thursday 3-year-old class news, and Miss Lori will follow up with the MWF class! As always, the preschool staff is available to you if you have any specific questions about your child. We're usually available after class each day (and by e-mail, too!). Enjoy!

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Parents,
It has been a wonderful first week at school! Our two main goals this week have been getting to know your children and helping them adjust to their new environment. We are also learning our morning routine and getting familiar with our classroom environment and our classroom rules.

Here are some of the things we've been doing already in just two days...
Learning our good morning and good bye songs
Learning our grace prayer at snack time
Starting our day with Play Dough while we get to know each other
Learning to sit together on our rainbow rug (your children did great!!)
Listening to a few pages of I Like Me (in big book form)
Listening to the entire story of Good Night Moon (also in big book form)
Beginning to learn our Preschool We Care Rules...more about those soon!
Heard the story of Mary Had a Little Lamb using two adorable puppets!
Drawing a picture of our first day at preschool and a picture of our favorite colors
Playing with some peg puzzles at the Exploration Station
Having LOTS of fun playing in our "kitchen" and with our block center!
Enjoying our beautiful weather while playing on the playground

As you can see, it's been a busy first week, and Miss Lacy, Miss Pat and I are looking forward to spending the next several months getting to know you and your children much better! Thank you for your patience as we all adjust to our new environment and our new friendships!
( tears at all in our classroom this week...maybe some at home??? :)

All Blessings,
Miss Jean

Dear MWF Parents,

We had a terrific first week at preschool. This class is off to a great start. Already we have seen the children learning to share, take turns and play in groups. We had a few short-lived tears, but overall the adjustment to the first day went very smoothly. Our focus this week is on getting to know the rules at preschool, learning each other’s names, the daily routine, and exploring the classroom and playground. We will focus on kindness and teaching the children to learn to listen, care and share. We had beautiful weather on Wednesday and Friday, so we were able to take all of the children outside to play on the playground. Also this is a reminder if you have not brought in a family picture yet for our bulletin board, please bring in one this week as we will soon be talking about our families and learning more about each other. And it does help the children to feel more secure when they see pictures of themselves and their loved ones. Next week our theme will be" All About Me."

Here are some of the other things we did…

We drew imaginative first day drawings.
We played with ABC, number, and shape puzzles.
Practiced learning to sit together and listen during Circle Time.
We celebrated a Birthday!
Played a Circle Game “Higgelty Wiggelty Bumble Bee" to learn each other’s names
Listened to the story I Like Me by Nancy Carlson
Drew a picture of our new preschool
And kept very, very busy...not a single dull moment going on here!

Looking forward to the year ahead,
Miss Lori, Miss Donna & Miss Pat