Friday, September 18, 2009

Preschool News - Week of September 13

It's already time for another weekly newsletter!
Important Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday, September 22 Curriculum Night
(Childcare available if needed)
T-Th Class 6:00 - 6:30
MWF Class 6:45 - 7:15

Wednesday, September 23 Preschool Photo Day - MWF Class

Thursday, September 24 Preschool Photo Day - T-Th Class

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Families,

Our Tuesday-Thursday class has had another wonderful week! Miss Lacy, Miss Pat and I are pleasantly amazed at how much we have been able to do already at preschool!

Here are some of the things we were doing at preschool this week…
Encouraging the children as they learn to take care of their hand washing and/or toileting needs
Continuing to learn our daily schedule and routines (we're doing great!)
Having a classroom visit from the librarians who work on the Bookmobile
Painting “apples” with red paint (a huge hit with everyone!)
Learning that “Hands are For Helping” not for hurting and learning that “We Keep Our Hands to Ourselves.”
Learning that God loves us just the way we are!
Continuing to learn each other's names by hearing the teacher sing "Where Oh Where is My Friend?"
Learning the finger play “The Itsy Bitsy Spider"
Hearing the story "Mice Squeak, We Speak" by Tomie De Paola - a story that reminds us to use our words!
Playing with alphabet puzzles and a body puzzle
Tearing red construction paper at the exploration station - a great way to strengthen those finger muscles (over heard in the classroom this week: "My mom never lets me tear paper at home!!" )
Using red crayons that are shaped like the letters of the alphabet
Playing with a wooden train set in groups of 2 or 3 at the curtain area by our cubbies
Enjoying the beautiful weather at our playground
And...celebrating someone's 4th birthday!

WOW! Without a doubt, we have been busy learning and having fun together. What a great class we have!

Miss Jean :)
Dear MWF Families,

We have had a full and interesting week this second week at preschool! Our children are beginning to learn the routine and become more familiar with our classroom, our building and playground. This week our theme was on “ALL ABOUT ME.” We are learning the "basics" as each child is becoming more familiar with the preschool routine.

These basics include washing our hands in the morning, learning to sit on the Rainbow Rug, learning to sing our Good Morning and Good-Bye songs, listening to a story, participating in a fingerplay or song, assisting with clean-up time, using our walking feet in the class room, and learning the playground safety rules. The children are also beginning to make new friends and play together in groups.

Again, thanks to this beautiful September weather we have been taking the children outside every day to play on the playground or to go for a walk with our "Rainbow Rope." On Wednesday, the children participated in a fire drill, and they did wonderfully leaving the class room promptly, following the teacher, and staying in line outside the building.

Here are some of the other things we’ve done this week at school…
We traced our hands as we continue to learn that Hands are for Helping.
We used crayons and "people shapes" to make self portraits.
Played with animal dominoes and texture dominoes.
Practiced number recognition and counting with our 123 Cards.
Practiced our fine motor skills when we played our "Make a Face" game
Painted whatever we wanted using red paint.
Played with our big train set in the hallway by our cubbies
Heard the stories "Designed By God So I Must Be Special" by Bonnie Sose "Eyes,
Nose, Fingers and Toes" by Judy Hindley and "From Head to Toe" by Eric Carle
Began to talk about the change of seasons (fall is next week, you know!)
Learned that we are each special and unique and created by God
Talked about ways we can show kindness to each other

We look forward to next week in which our theme is “OUR FAMILIES.” If you have not brought in a family picture for our bulletin board, please do so at your earliest convenience.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Lori

And remember....Be kind to one another! Ephesians 4:32