Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of Feb 14

Quietness and trust is your strength. Isaiah 30:15

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families!
We had a wonderful week at preschool. The highlight of our week was our visit from Miss Lisa who taught us how to keep our teeth healthy. She reminded us to brush TWO times a day and to eat foods that are healthy for our teeth. Before she left, everyone had a chance to brush the teeth on her very big bear!

While the theme of our week was dental health, most of our focus has been on social skills as we continue to adjust to our larger class size. We've also adjusted some of our routines to help the new students feel more comfortable in their new school. For the time being, we have eliminated our morning "Greeting Time" and are instead starting our day with the various centers. All of the children seem to enjoy this change, because they can start the day at their favorite table.

This week we had pink paint and tooth shaped paper at the art table, play dough with rolling pins and cookie cutters for fine motor practice, and "Building Cubes" at our math table. We also had a parent helper in the classroom this week. Thank you so much for taking the time to spend a morning with us! We appreciate it sooo much!

Many new friendships have been forming in the classroom - not only involving the new students, but also between our former students who may not have spent as much time playing together before now. The new students have already been introduced to "Ring Around the Rosie" which is one of our favorite impromptu class activities. And everyone has fun when we go to Fellowship Hall to play Duck Duck Goose. We'll definitely play that again next week!

See you all soon,
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat