Tuesday, April 20, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of March 16

Jesus said...
"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

It's already letter U week, the perfect time to learn about the opposite words, Under and Over!

We made beautiful "Under the Sea" pictures this week, using some blue/green transparent paper. The children had fun using shapes to make collage fish for their artwork. Also, this week, we made beautiful candle pictures based on the song "This Little Light of Mine."

At story time, we read the books Under the Sea and Under the Ground both by Anna Milbourne. They are two of the wonderful Usborne books that were purchased from last year's fundraiser. Absolutely beautiful books!

For fine motor skills, we practiced writing our names in our name books and we played with the Stack and Sort toy. We loved stacking the pieces oh so high! We also played with our dry erase boards.
For large motor fun, we played a game in the classroom called "Stand on Your Toes." The children love listening to this song and doing what the music says. Each line ends with "this is the way we do it." The teachers get a real good work out with this, too! Here are all of the things we do along with the music...

Stand on your toes and stretch up high
Reach to the sky like you're climbing a rope
Hands on your waist, bend all around
Shoulders up and down
Spin your hands together
Stoop and touch the ground, and jump back up
Marching in place
Hop and kick your feet, first one now the other
Jogging in place
Do jumping jacks
Shake your arms out, high and low
Take a deep breath, and let it out
Sway side to side and clap your hands
Everybody give yourself a hand!

Lots of moving UP and down with that song! See you next time!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat