Tuesday, March 9, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Week of March 1

Hello Tuesday-Thursday Families,

This week we began our two week unit on the 5 Senses! We started out this week learning about sight, sound and smell. I think my favorite part of the week was making bread in our bread machine and smelling it as it baked!

Here are some of the other things we've been busy with...

At greeting time, we played with our pink play dough with spring and Easter cookie cutters

For art we colored some snakes on Tuesday, and cut them out with scissors on Thursday. The children did so well staying safe with the scissors! We remind them that they must stay seated when using scissors!

We played with dry erase boards and dry erase markers. Many of the children would sit down and start writing their names without even being asked to. They sure know how to make the teachers smile!!

We planted bean seeds in sandy soil. We talked about how the seeds will need sun and water to grow. We'll be watching them carefully over the next few weeks. The seed packet said it would take 7 to 10 days for the seeds to sprout.

We had sand and alphabet molds in our exploration station. We also had a spray bottle to help moisten the sand (it was very, very dry!). The children did so well keeping the sand in the sand table and only using the spray bottle on the sand!!

We heard the story My Five Senses by Aliki. It is one of the BIG BOOKS owned by our preschool. The children love our big books because they can see the pictures so well. If you stop by your local library, they have a wonderful selection of "Big Books" - definitely worth a visit!

We took advantage of the warmer weather this week by taking a walk with our rainbow rope. There's still too much snow in our playground, but maybe the warmer March weather will make that snow go away soon!

See you next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Lacy and Miss Pat