Monday, January 11, 2010

I Made a Little Snowman

Hello Preschool Families!

Here's a fun little snowman rhyme that I found many years ago (if I knew the source I would share it with you). It's always a favorite with the preschoolers, and I thought you may have fun saying it at home....

It is sung to the scale, with each line going up one note. Start by squatting on the ground, and as you go up with each musical note, bring your body up a little more, too. At the end, when the snowman "melts" you can let your body melt down to the ground as well! Have fun!

I made a little snowman
I made him very round
I made hime from a snowball
I rolled upon the ground
He has two eyes, a nose, a mouth
A lovely scarf of red
He even has some buttons
And a hat upon his head

And then one day....the sun came out, and what did that snowman do?

Melt, melt, melt, melt, melt, melt, melt, melt!