Monday, December 7, 2009

MWF Preschool News - Week of Nov 29

Dear MWF Families,

Brrr…as I write this newsletter it is cold outside. How quickly the winter and Christmas season are approaching! This week our theme was signs of winter and Letter H week. For Show and Share one of our students brought in a Rescue Heroes Helicopter. The children really enjoyed its working propeller. On Monday and Wednesday we were able to play outside on the playground. On Friday we opted to stay in because of the slippery sidewalks and icy areas on our playground. We played “Red Light Green Light” in the gym. How fitting for the colors of our month! The students really enjoyed this game, and it is a great game to learn how to listen carefully and follow directions. They learned very quickly green means go and red means stop! We are just beginning to celebrate Christmas in our classroom, especially with the emphasis on the birth of baby Jesus and the importance of giving. Looking forward to seeing all of you at our Christmas Celebration, on December 18th at 10:30 a.m.! Peace and Joy to you this Christmas!

Here are some other highlights of our week.
We used scissors, glue and crayons to make lovely Homes
Painted coffee filters with watercolors and cut them into snowflakes.

Used tape to make Christmas Hoops, (like a paper chain.)
For our fine motor skills, we practiced using paper punchers with paper strips.
Played Hopscotch, Rescue Heroes, and Hands Down

Read Highlights High Five Magazines.
Listened to a squirrel fingerplay and talked about Hibernation
At our Storytimes we listened to Merry Christmas Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood and Hurry! Hurry! Have You Heard?, which is a nativity story by Laura Krauss Melmed

With Peace,
Miss Lori, Miss Donna, Miss Pat and Miss Jean