Monday, April 25, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of April 18

You are the light of the world
Matthew 5:14

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Families,
We've had a wonderful week getting ready for Easter!

We had fun coloring some egg pictures. We read a silly story by Margaret Wise Brown called The Golden Egg Book, and we ready The Easter Story by Patricia Pingry. We used a foam craft kit to make a beautiful cross with flowers. The cross reminds us how much we are loved by Jesus!

We took the rice out of our exploration station on Tuesday, but it's back again by popular demand! We'll leave it in the classroom just a little bit longer. It really is one of our classroom favorites!

We also learned an Easter Bunny rhyme that we'll share with you...

I Had an Easter Bunny
One day she ran away
I looked for her by moonlight
I looked for her by day
I found her in the meadow
With her babies 1, 2, 3
So now I have FOUR bunnies
To run and jump with me!

We played a new game called Clockominoes. We had a bowl of dominoes and we had to find the matching place on an egg shaped game board. The boys and girls did so well, and they were so excited when they completed the entire picture. Many of them noticed that it looked a lot like a clock!

The highlight of the week was most definitely the Easter egg hunt on our playground. The eggs weren't really hidden, but there was a challenge to find 6 eggs that were each a different color! After we found all of the eggs, we sat down on the rainbow rug and opened them up one at a time. One of the eggs had a cross in it to remind us of God's love for us.

In addition to all of the Easter excitement, we also had a refresher course in kindness this week. We used the white board to write down some of the things that we should always do in preschool. Here was our very important list:

We share our toys
We use kind words
We play with everybody
(we don't tell someone they can't play with us)
We respect each other's space
(we keep our hands and feet to ourselves)

We also talked about what the word respect means. At school, it means treating each other with kindness, using kind words and following the rules. I think that sounds like a pretty good definition for home, too!

We hope that all of you have a wonderful Easter!
Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat