Monday, April 4, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of April 4

MWF Preschool Families,

We have had a wonderful week here at preschool! This week we learned all about the letter W. We painted watercolor whales, made a wormy painting using gummy worms, and read the story The Windy Day by Anna Milbourne.

We learned so many other things this week too! We discovered that if you mix the colors red and blue that it makes the color purple. We practiced writing the letter W, and some of us were even reading the story Go, Go, Go! We listened to the stories The Big Wide Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner and One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root. This week we also played the game Jenga. We had to be very careful to push a block out without knocking the tower over.

On Friday we went to chapel to listen to Pastor Greg tell us the story of Easter. We found out that the Easter Bunny isn’t the most important part about Easter…Jesus is! Pastor Greg even performed a magic trick for us! Afterwards we sang a song about a wise man who built his house upon a rock, and a foolish man who build his house on the sand. We even made up our own verses to include an orange and Jello!

We will have even more fun next week at preschool!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat