Friday, April 15, 2011

TTh Preschool News - Week of April 11

X is for...Exalt the name of the Lord!
Isaiah 24:15

Dear Tuesday-Thursday Families,

It's already letter X week, which explains why the week has been Xtra fun! We played with puzzles at greeting time. We brought out some Easter buckets and played an egg toss game. We even had the chance to look at the amazing X-rays that were hanging in the windows.

We had some visitors this week, too! Miss Darlene and Miss Cheryl visited the classroom and had a chance to get to know the children a little bit. Miss Darlene will be taking over as Preschool Director next school year, and Miss Cheryl will be the MWF assistant teacher. The children really enjoyed the extra teacher attention!

We also had a special visit from our friend Miss Mary this week. She is a Kindermusik instructor who is also a parent of two Tiny Treasures graduates. Miss Mary read us a spring story called Will You Be My Friend? by Nancy Tafuri. She taught us a song about a woodpecker, and we all got to use rhythm sticks while we sang along. She even taught us a fun bird rhyme. We hope that Miss Mary comes back to visit again!

For art this week, we added some raindrops and clouds to our rainy day picture and we added flowers to our sunny day picture. We hope that you enjoy the finished products that are hanging in the hallway!

We practiced our fine motor skills by tracing egg shapes using cardstock eggs as the templates. And we even painted on big egg shaped papers. We used paint dotters on some (like bingo markers) and we used cotton balls that were attached to clothespins on some of the others. The next time we come to preschool, we'll draw a picture of what we think could be inside that egg! Look on the wall near the entrance to see the results! This art project was inspired by our reading of Chickens Aren't the Only Ones by Ruth Heller. The book taught us about many different animals that lay eggs. We learned a new word: Oviparous - which means an animal that lays eggs! Ask your children if they can tell you some of the animals that we learned about.

We look forward to seeing all of you next week!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat