Sunday, February 6, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week of January 31

Obey the Lord your God and follow His commands. Deut 27:10

Hello MWF Preschool Families!

Wow what a week we had with all this snow! Although we had an unexpected shortened week due to the snow day we still learned a lot. This week we learned all about the letter O, and opposites.

Monday we took a close look at ocean life and the octopus that live in the ocean. We listened to the story Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae and talked about all the amazing creatures that call oceans their home. We even created our own octopus complete with little cheerios.

Friday we discussed ideas of what it might be like if we lived in a world where everything was opposite. We tried to imagine what it would be like if daytime was actually night time, and up was down. We had so much fun using our imaginations! We created pictures of what we think an Opposite World would look like.

We also looked at books about opposites and practiced matching together opposites at one of our centers.

Miss Jean played a dice game with some of the students on Friday. It was called "Terrific Tens." We rolled all of the dice in a tray, and the children took turns finding two or more dice that added up to 10!

This week we also sang the song “Oh How I Love Jesus.” It has now become the class’s new favorite song to sing. We all agreed that it makes God happy when we sing to him. We practiced our counting skills this week by counting cheerios on a one-hundred chart. We also crawled, balanced, and hopped our way through an obstacle course.

We can’t wait to see everyone again next week for more fun and learning!

Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat