Friday, February 11, 2011

MWF Preschool News - Week Of February 7

Praise the Lord! It is good to sing praises to our God. Psalm 147:1

Hello MWF Preschool Families!

We had a very positive week here at preschool. We learned all about the Letter P. For show and shared, students brought in penguins, puzzle pieces, and even a pink and purple pillow pet. We had so much fun discussing other words that start with the letter P as well.

Art was tons of fun this week! On Monday we made Mr. or Mrs. Potato Heads. We cut out our potatoes and then gave them their own unique personalities when we added facial features and accessories. They turned out amazing! On Wednesday each child made their very own puzzle person. They colored their puzzle the way they wanted and when they were done, they were able to take them home to play with. Friday they painted polka dots on the letter P with paint dotters. They were very colorful and the students made many different designs with polka dots.

This week we also…
Put many different kinds of puzzles together
Made cards for our friends and family
Sang a new song called The "Pig And The Pony"
Examined pinecones
Listened to many stories including But No Elephants by Jerry Smath and In The Pond.
Played with a parachute

We look forward to seeing everyone again next week!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat