Thursday, October 7, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Week of October 4

As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Dear MWF Preschool Families,

We had an Amazing week at preschool. This week was “Letter A Week” so many things that we did in the classroom involved using the letter A and our Alphabet.

Here are several of the things that we did in preschool this week…

For art, we used our fingers and ink pads to put ants on our orange letter A paper, and made an apple mural using cut apple pieces and red and yellow paint.

We practiced writing both our uppercase and lowercase letter A, and played an alphabet game.

We worked on matching numbers together, listened to many stories about our ABCs, and sang our Alphabet song.
We also practiced our balancing skills by walking around the gym with bean bags on our heads. We even challenged each other to a bean bag race, to see who could make it to the other side of the gym without letting our bean bags fall off of our heads. This was a big hit with everyone!

Enjoy the long weekend! We will see you again next Wednesday!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat