Monday, October 18, 2010

MWF Preschool News – Week of October 11

Be kind to one another. Eph 4:32

Dear MWF Preschool Families,

We’ve had another great week here at the preschool! This week we focused on Pumpkins, and the Letter B. Appropriately fitting with our letter B theme, we had our first bookmobile visit this week. All the students had the opportunity to visit the book mobile and they each picked out several books to bring back to the classroom to read.

Here are some other things that we did for letter B this week…Used paint and dish soap to make bubble art work
Practiced tracing and writing the letter B as well as our other alphabet letters
Used our Busy Bugs Math Set to practice matching both colors and patterns

Played with our barnyard and farm animals
Practiced bouncing balls in the gym

This week we also took a close look at what was inside of a pumpkin.

Friday we painted paper plates orange to resemble pumpkins and we will finish them next week.

See you again next week!
Miss Amy, Miss Michele, Miss Jean, & Miss Pat