Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Letter R Week

It's Letter R week!

Let's remember to "Rejoice in the Lord always!" (Philippians 4:4)

Here are some "R" ideas for you and your families to do at home:

READ, READ and READ some more! READING to your children is one of the best things you can do for them! The more words your children hear, the better they will recognize them when they learn to read. Along with READING, be sure to spend plenty of time talking and listening to your children. The amount of time spent verbally communicating with your child is directly related to their reading skills!


Go on a RECTANGLE hunt in your house. You can show your children that a rectangle is similar to a square, but the rectangle has 2 long sides and 2 short sides.

When you are on a car ride or waiting somewhere, have fun thinking of words that RHYME! Or think of words that begin with the "r" sound.