Friday, March 12, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Week of March 8

Dear MWF Families,

The theme for this week was our five senses. Monday the children received a vision and hearing screening from our local county health department. Everyone participated wonderfully! We also went on a walk on Friday. During the walk, we practiced using our senses. We saw a UPS truck, felt the wind, heard the local traffic, and smelled fresh air. And we were able to taste yummy vanilla cupcakes, as we celebrated a birthday for one of our students.

For our letter T week a student brought in a Teddy Bear and a little pony named Toola-Roola. On a bittersweet note, we said goodbye to one of our students who is going to a full time preschool program. We made special cards to say goodbye to him and send him best wishes. Next week we will have fun exploring the theme of Farm Animals.

Here were some other highlights of our past week...
Our local bookmobile paid a visit and we chose new library books for our classroom.
We painted with sponges shaped like the letter T and Triangles.
We drew with Chalk Cray-pas to explore other textures of creating drawings.
Played with Texture Dominoes.
Marched around our building with maracas, bells and tambourines and sang our favorite songs, including Christmas carols in March!
Watered our bean seeds and observed one is sprouting.

Used our fine motor skills and played with tweezers and counting plastic Teddy Bears and placed them into muffin tins to practice sorting and counting.
Looked at I Spy Books
Listened to the story We Are Going On A Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. Great Rhymes and Sounds are in this book for Senses Week.
Read the story My Five Senses by Aliki.

We will see you in two weeks for our Parent Teacher Conferences. Please note that there is
NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 26. The teachers will be busy meeting with you!! Enjoy this beautiful sunny refreshing weather! (Our playground is beginning to dry...Yippee!)

Your Team,
Miss Lori, Miss Donna, Miss Pat and Miss Jean

Nine More Days Till Spring!