Sunday, November 14, 2010

T-Th Preschool News - Weeks of Nov 1 & 7

Encourage one another. Hebrews 10:25

Hello Tuesday Thursday Families!

Don't you just LOVE those beautiful masks we made? I couldn't wait till the end of the month to share that photo with you! We've had two "short" weeks in a row, but we still managed to fill them with all kinds of fun, faith and learning! This month our focus is on Gratitude as we prepare for Thanksgiving.
Last week, we learned about the Letter E! We used blue and green paint to paint some beautiful pictures that reminded us of our earth. We give thanks to God for His beautiful creation! We also brought out some wooden eggs with numbers on them. All of the children had a chance to put them in order from 1 - 10 (and everyone had so much fun with them!)

We heard the story "What A Wonderful World" in a unique way. As we looked at the pictures, we listened to the story being sung by Louis Armstrong. The children loved the colorful pages in the book, and Mr. Armstrong's singing was, of course, beautiful!

Also for letter E week, we....
Colored a beautiful picture of our earth
Played with our Letter Builders
Used tiny animal counters with our 100 Chart
and played Musical Colors on our Rainbow Rug
(all that in just one day! Wow!)

For letter F week, our visit to the food pantry this week was a perfect opportunity to remember to give thanks for what we have AND to share our blessings with those who are less fortunate. Each child brought a canned item to the church's food pantry and learned how we can help other people who may not have food in their homes.

Drew pictures of our Favorite Foods...

Had fun playing make believe with our Felt Board...

And practiced our math and matching skills with our Foam Tanagram Shapes...

In addition to that, we....
Used Letter F rubber stamps to Fill up a very large letter F
Heard the Fun rhyme "Five Green and Speckled Frogs"
(led by Miss Jean along with Felt Frogs and a Story Apron)
Most of all, we had lots of FUN!

Looking forward to seeing you at our Thanksgiving "Feast" this Thursday!
Miss Jean, Miss Amy and Miss Pat

Friday, November 12, 2010

MWF Preschool News - Week of Nov. 7

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. Gal 5:22

Dear MWF Families,

We have had a fantastic week here at the preschool. This week was focused on the Letter F and Gratitude. For Show and Share we had two students who brought in a frog and a fish to share with the class. Beautiful weather graced our week once again and we spent some time playing on the playground. Several highlights of our week were a visit to the Food Pantry, the Rainbow Fish Art, and Chapel.

Monday we visited the WPC food pantry. Each student donated a can of food to the panty and learned the significance of having a food pantry. Here we also discussed sharing and thankfulness.

This week we also listened to the story The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister which taught us a great lesson about sharing. We learned that by sharing we not only make other people happy, but that we will be happy ourselves. To go along with our story about sharing we also created our own Rainbow Fish. On Monday we cut out a fish from brown paper and glued it to our blue paper. Then on Wednesday we decorated our fish in rainbow scales. Miss Michele had some beautiful silver scales that she shared with us to put on our fish. The Rainbow Fish Art Project was quite fun and it was exciting to see the children create their very own version of a colorful fish.

At the Chapel Pastor Greg and Miss Jean acted out a skit which related to giving to others. The children recited a finger play to Pastor Greg entitled “Thank You God.”

Thank You God

God made the sun (put arms over head in circle)
God made the trees (hold arms up at shoulders with fingers spread like trees)
God made the mountains (hands at chest making a triangle like a mountain)
and God made me! (give self a hug)

Thank you God for the sun (repeat hand signals for all below lines)
Thank you God for the trees
Thank you God for the mountains
and Thank you God for me!

Here are some other things that we did this week…

Listened to the story The First Thanksgiving Day by Laura Krauss
Traced farm animal stencils with colored pencils
Counted small animals on our One Hundred Chart
Practiced writing in our notebooks
Made a Giving Thanks collage
Sang and acted out the movements to the song "Father Abraham".

Looking forward to seeing you next week for more fun and learning!
Miss Amy, Miss Jean, Miss Michele, and Miss Pat