Here's your LATE newsletter for LETTER L week :) and an "L" Bible verse to go with it...
"LOVE God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength!"
Deuteronomy 6:5 (exclamation point mine!)
We've been so busy in preschool LATELY, and having LOADS of fun, as usual! We played with a new batch of white play dough at greeting time this week with LETTER cookie cutters (because white is our color of the month, you know!). We also continued to sing our "Two LITTLE Blackbirds" song a LOT... we really LOVE it!!
Here are some of the other ways we were LEARNING during LETTER L week:
For art, we made paint prints using real LEMONS and LIMES!

To develop our pre-writing skills, we brought our dry erase books. We had fun writing and drawing in them, and then we erased each page when we were done with it! Hmmm... these LOOK LIKE they might be the hands of one of the teachers...LOL!!
For our fine motor skills, we played with LACING cards. I hope you enjoy the photos of these from Shutterfly - there are some fabulous photos!
In our curtain area, we brought out the train set (by popular request) and we also brought out puppets and the puppet stage.
At our Exploration Station (aka, the sensory table) we played with cotton balls, foam packing peanuts and winter animals - LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of fun!
For story time, we heard the stories Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney and My Friend Lucky by David Milgrim (a book about opposites)
For LARGE motor, we played Follow the LEADER in the church hallway. The children took turns being the LEADER and choosing what we would all "be." On Tuesday, "being a train" was the most popular choice, by a LONG run. On Thursday, Miss Jean suggested we choose an animal (adding a bit of variety to our activity!!).
Yes, indeed, it was a busy week! (Will that be a good enough reason for being 2 weeks behind on this blog??? Possibly :)
See you soon!
Miss Jean, Miss LACY and Miss Pat :)